Language is the link between behaviour and outcome

Ellias Appel
Ellias Appel | 25 Jun 2019

You’ve probably found yourself frustrated with how healthcare providers communicate. Maybe you felt like they were talking over your head with fancy medical jargon or not really listening to your concerns. The language used in healthcare settings has a huge impact on people’s experiences and outcomes.

When done right, communication can help build trust, convey empathy, and lead to better health for patients.

Unfortunately, too often language acts as a barrier rather than a bridge. This is especially true for marginalized groups who face discrimination and unequal treatment in healthcare. The words clinicians choose matter. Even subtle expressions can make certain groups feel excluded, disrespected, and less likely to seek care.

The good news is we all have the power to drive positive change through the way we communicate with each other. By making an effort to use more inclusive language, healthcare organizations and providers can help remedy inequities, break down barriers, and achieve the goal of providing the same high-quality experience for all. 

In this article, we’ll explore some simple yet effective ways to get started. The path forward begins with awareness, empathy, and a commitment to do better.

The Role of Language in Healthcare

Inclusive language is essential for delivering equitable healthcare. It is the conduit through which understanding and positive behavior change can be achieved. Without effective communication, how can we expect to see the outcomes we desire, like reduced emergency department overuse or improved health literacy?

To start, the language we use must be engaging, accessible, and culturally appropriate. This means assessing both the level of English language proficiency and health literacy of our target audiences. This is especially important for health information, where misunderstanding the message can have serious consequences.

A healthcare provider explains a procedure to her patients using inclusive languageInclusiveness requires empathy. Our language should reflect an understanding of diverse experiences and perspectives. For example, avoid broad generalizations or terms that imply a single ‘norm’. 

Recognize and be sensitive to differing cultural attitudes around health, illness, and help-seeking behaviors. Promote shared values of access, equity, and empowerment.

Metrics provide evidence of impact, like increased knowledge, behavior change, or service utilization. But behind the numbers, language plays a significant role. 

It builds connection, conveys meaning, and ultimately determines whether we achieve our goal: improved health outcomes for all. Because when we get the message right, change will follow.

How Poor Health Literacy Impacts Outcomes

When patients have poor health literacy, it significantly impacts their health outcomes and the healthcare system. Studies show that those with inadequate health literacy have higher rates of hospitalization and disease and lower life expectancy.

As a patient, not fully understanding health information makes it difficult to properly manage chronic conditions or follow treatment plans. This often leads to poor self-care and health choices. For the healthcare system, it burdens emergency departments and increases costs. According to research, emergency room visits can cost 4 to 14 times more than seeing a primary care doctor.

Poor health literacy also makes traditional health campaigns and education less effective for marginalized groups. 

Some reasons for this include:

Language barriers: For culturally and linguistically diverse groups, language can be a major obstacle to understanding health information. Translating materials into other languages is not enough. The content and messaging must also be culturally appropriate.

Preferred learning styles: Different cultural groups may prefer receiving information in specific ways, e.g. oral vs. written. Audio and visual options should be offered in addition to the written word.

Power dynamics: Cultural beliefs about authority figures like doctors can impact how information is received and acted upon. Content should aim to empower patients and address any cultural taboos.

The good news is health literacy can be improved by making health information more accessible through:

Plain language: Using simple words and short sentences to explain medical terms and concepts.

Teach-back method: Asking patients to explain information back to you in their own words to ensure comprehension. Then re-teaching as needed.

Alternative formats: Providing information in audio, visual, and interactive formats in addition to text. It helps to bridge the gap between languages and cultures.

Cultural competence: Educating healthcare providers on cultural beliefs and learning styles of different groups to improve communication and trust.

With some adjustments to how we develop and deliver health information, we can achieve positive changes in health literacy and outcomes.

The key is making inclusive health communication a priority. 


The Link Between Language and Behaviour

As a healthcare provider, the language you use has a direct impact on your patients’ behaviours and outcomes. The words you choose shape how your patients understand health issues and determine the actions they take. 

Using inclusive, empathetic language can positively influence patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, helping to improve health literacy and achieve better health outcomes.

Language Informs Thinking And Action

The language we are exposed to, especially as children, shapes how we think and behave. For CALD groups, limited English proficiency can limit health literacy and affect poor healthcare decisions. Providing information in a patient’s native language, or with the assistance of a qualified translator, helps to bridge this gap. It allows patients to fully understand their conditions and treatment options so they can make the best choices for their health.

An Engaged Patient Is An Empowered Patient

Taking the time to connect with your patients, understand their perspectives, and communicate in a meaningful way has significant benefits. Patients who feel heard and respected are more likely to follow recommended treatment plans and make informed choices. Engaging with patients from diverse backgrounds in an inclusive, culturally sensitive manner is key. 

How can we improve engagement with diverse groups?

There are a few key ways to engage culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities:

Use visuals: Images, videos, and infographics help overcome language barriers and improve understanding.  Create simple animations to demonstrate health topics. Photos of people from diverse cultural backgrounds make your resources more relatable.

Provide translated materials: Offer resources in the languages of your target audiences. Ensure high-quality translations by skilled professionals.

Use audio: For those with limited English proficiency, hearing information can be more effective than reading it. Podcasts, videos, and phone messages are good options. Embed audio files that provide a translation of your written content. 

Partner with community groups: Work with organizations that already engage your target audiences. They can help promote your messages and provide feedback on your approaches.

Train staff: Educate employees on health literacy, cultural competence, and effective communication across diverse groups. Their interactions and the language they use directly impact patient experiences.

The extra effort to positively impact the patient experience through empathetic communication and tailored resources leads to improved outcomes.

Metrics Matter

As a healthcare provider focused on outcomes and cost-effectiveness, the metrics matter. Non-critical use of emergency departments, for example, costs significantly more than primary care. For CALD groups, poor health literacy and limited English proficiency are often underlying factors in inappropriate Emergency Department use and other poor health decisions. 

Providing information and resources in a patient’s native language has been shown to positively change behavior by helping patients better understand available health services and make more cost-effective choices. The investment in inclusive communication and culturally tailored resources can have a huge payoff, with some studies showing potential savings of up to 14 times the cost.

The link between language, thinking, and behavior is clear. Healthcare providers must make an effort to understand their diverse patient populations and meet them where they are. Speaking in a language they understand, providing information tailored to their needs, and engaging with empathy and care are some of the most impactful actions we can take to empower patients and achieve the best outcomes.

Improving Health Literacy in Diverse Populations

Improving health literacy among diverse populations requires strategic and thoughtful communication. Visual aids, like pictures and videos, can convey complex healthcare concepts when language alone may not suffice. Integrating literacy, culture, and language improves healthcare quality for all.

Meeting Diverse Needs 

Different populations have different needs. Keep in mind that what is effective for one group may not be effective for another. Thus, one-size-fits-all solutions don’t always work. 

Successful health literacy programs consider a community’s prevalent languages, cultural backgrounds, education levels, and more. They then develop materials suited to that audience.

For example, a program for new immigrants may provide information in multiple languages and use pictures to demonstrate key points. A program for elderly patients could have large print materials, and speak slowly and clearly while limiting complex medical jargon. 

Culturally Competent Care 

In order to achieve positive changes in healthcare, it is crucial to recognize the significance of providing culturally competent care to patients from diverse backgrounds. Culturally competent care refers to the ability of healthcare professionals to understand and respect the values, beliefs, and practices of different cultures, and to tailor their approach accordingly.

To ensure equal access to healthcare services, it is essential to offer language assistance options that go beyond just translations. Utilising trained interpreters (in-person or video remote) or telehealth services, providing audio translations, and employing culturally sensitive communication techniques can bridge the language gap and foster better understanding.

A male healthcare provider tending to his patientMoreover, investing in health literacy initiatives for diverse populations can empower individuals to actively.

By embracing cultural competence, healthcare providers can effectively address the unique needs and preferences of patients from various ethnic, religious, and linguistic communities. This not only enhances patient satisfaction and engagement but also improves health outcomes and promotes inclusive practices.

An Active Role in Health 

Improving health literacy enables people to play an active role in their well-being. When patients are equipped with the knowledge and skills to understand medical information, ask pertinent questions, and adhere to treatment plans, they become partners in their own care. These lead to better outcomes and a more efficient healthcare system overall.

This collaborative approach not only leads to better health outcomes but also contributes to the overall efficiency of the healthcare system. By fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment, healthcare providers can create a patient-centered environment that respects diversity and promotes positive changes in healthcare delivery.

The bottom line: effective communication and culturally appropriate education are vital to improving health literacy in diverse populations. Using visual aids, simplifying language, and accounting for cultural differences are all strategies that make health information accessible to more people. And when people understand their health, they are empowered to pursue better well-being.

Creating Engaging Healthcare Content

To create engaging healthcare content for CALD communities, focus on using simple, inclusive language and an easy-to-understand format.

Think about your audience and what will resonate with them. Data suggests many in CALD groups face health literacy challenges and may prefer information in audio or visual formats. Provide content in the languages your audiences speak, and have it reviewed by native speakers to ensure it is culturally appropriate.

Keep it simple 

Avoid complex medical jargon and aim for an 8th-grade reading level. Short sentences, bulleted lists, and double spacing will make your content more readable.

Focus on experiences

Help your audience relate by focusing on patient experiences. Share authentic stories of people from CALD communities using health services. Explain what to expect in a culturally sensitive way. This familiarizes people with the health system and addresses fears they may have about accessing care.

Promote inclusiveness

Use inclusive and empowering language. Refer to your audience as “patients and community members” or “people” rather than labels like “CALD groups”. Explain that health services are for everyone, regardless of cultural background, language, or literacy level. Promote a sense of belonging and entitlement to use health resources.

Provide practical guidance

Give clear guidance on how and when to access health services. Explain the difference between emergency care, primary care, and after-hours options. Provide details on making appointments, bringing interpreters, and having a health care plan. The more people understand the health system, the more likely they are to use the appropriate services.

Using these techniques will help engage your CALD audiences and support them in making informed choices about their health care. The language and formats you choose are key to linking health messages to outcomes and behaviors. Crafting inclusive, empowering, and practical content can make a real difference.

Translating Materials for Inclusivity

A healthcare provider explaining one of their materials written with inclusive languageTranslating materials into languages other than English is crucial for inclusive practice in healthcare. However, translation alone is not enough. To truly reach your audience and change behaviors, you need to consider how people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds access and understand health information.

Simply translating written materials may not effectively engage these audiences or change behaviors. Partnering with community organizations and hiring professionals from diverse backgrounds will help ensure cultural appropriateness and relevance.

Consider your audience’s needs, values, and experiences. 

What are the barriers preventing them from accessing the right care? 

How can you empower them with knowledge and build trust? 

What metrics will show your efforts are working?

Design materials and messages to be:

  • Easy to understand, avoiding jargon and complex language
  • Available in multiple formats (written, audio, visual)
  • Culturally sensitive, free of assumptions, and inclusive of diverse experiences
  • Accessible on mobile devices, public computers, and in community spaces

Continually evaluate your progress using real-world data and community feedback. Look for changes in behaviors as well as self-reported measures like awareness, attitudes, and satisfaction. When done right, inclusive health communication has the power to transform lives and strengthen our healthcare system. But we must go beyond translation to create meaningful change.

Using Data to Track Engagement

Using data to track how well your messages are engaging your target audience is key. As we explored in the previous section, language is the connection between what you want your audience to do and what they actually end up doing. To see if your approach is working, you need to monitor how people interact with your content.

There are a few ways to gather metrics on audience engagement:
  • Trackable links: Create custom links for your content that you can use to see how many people click on them. Use a link shortener tool to create short, memorable URLs that redirect to your content. See which links get the most clicks to find your most popular topics.
  • Download and interaction data: If you have digital content like audio files, videos, or interactive tools, see how often people access or use them. For example, track how many times an audio file has been downloaded or how long people spend using an interactive questionnaire.
  • Surveys: Ask your audience directly how useful they found your content or resources. Surveys are a straightforward way to get feedback and see what’s resonating with people. Offer an incentive like a prize draw to increase the response rate.
  • Social media: Monitor comments, likes, shares, and mentions of your content on social media platforms. See which posts get the biggest response to identify what your audience finds most engaging and interesting. Engage with people who comment to build goodwill and get additional feedback.
  • Web analytics: Use a free tool like Google Analytics to get data on how people find and interact with your website. See how many visitors you get, what content they read, how long they spend on your site, and more. All of these metrics provide clues to what your audience finds most engaging.

A client answering a survey on his mobile phone. Using a mix of these data-gathering techniques, you can get a clear picture of how well your content and messages are resonating and make changes to improve engagement, especially for groups that face greater barriers. The more you engage your audience, the more successful your efforts will be in achieving the outcomes you want.

Evaluating Behavior Change in Patients

Evaluating behavior change in patients requires looking at metrics and outcomes. As a healthcare provider, you need to determine if your messages and resources are actually improving health literacy and achieving the outcomes you want.

For Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) groups, effective engagement often relies on addressing language barriers and cultural factors. Providing translated written materials alone may not be enough. Think about offering audio content, interactive options, and culturally appropriate translations. These can help bridge the gap for those with limited English proficiency or health literacy.

One study found that CALD patients were much more likely to inappropriately use expensive emergency department services for non-critical care, costing 4 to 14 times more than a primary care clinic visit. For these groups, poor literacy and English language skills can make traditional health campaigns less effective.

As an example, say you want to reduce non-urgent emergency department visits by increasing awareness of affordable after-hours clinic options.

How can you measure the resonance of your messages and the effectiveness of your behavioral change campaigns?
  • Track referral links, IP addresses, and geolocation data to see who is accessing your audio or online resources. Notice any increases from CALD areas or communities.
  • Survey patients at after-hours clinics to find out how they heard about the services. See if any mention your audio messages, translated materials, or website. Ask what was most helpful.
  • Compare emergency department visit rates from CALD patients over time. Look for decreases that could indicate your resources are improving health literacy and behaviors.
  • Get feedback from CALD community groups and leaders on the cultural appropriateness and effectiveness of your translated and audio materials. Make any needed changes.
  • Consider doing focus groups with CALD patients to explore how your messages are received and see if there are any other barriers to behavior change that you could address.

Evaluating outcomes and making data-driven changes will help ensure your resources are achieving the positive impacts and behavior changes you intend for all patient groups. Providing inclusive, targeted options like audio and culturally sensitive translations is key to effectively engaging with and supporting CALD communities.

How will you know if your messages are resonating and behaviors are changing? 


Language is a powerful tool that can be used to create and reinforce social norms, including those related to healthcare. Inclusive language practices can help to ensure that all patients, regardless of their background or identity, feel welcome, respected, and included in the healthcare system.

Something as simple as asking for a patient’s pronouns or avoiding insensitive language has the potential to make a huge difference in providing inclusive care. 

In addition, it is important to be respectful of patients’ cultural backgrounds and identities. This means avoiding making assumptions about patients based on their appearance, accent, or name. It also means being mindful of the language that is used to discuss patients’ health conditions.

Speak up if you witness insensitive language, and lead by example using words that are inclusive, compassionate, and kind. 

Achieving positive changes in language and inclusive practice in healthcare takes time and effort. However, it is essential to create a more welcoming and supportive environment for all patients.

Together, we can transform healthcare into an environment where people feel respected and cared for, regardless of their gender, background, or identity. Words have power, so choose them wisely and help create positive change.


Showcasing the Telehealth Training Process

All Graduates
All Graduates | 11 Jun 2019

All Graduates was invited to showcase at the Language Services Innovations Grants Forum at Foundation House last week. There were over 30 guests in attendance from various healthcare and language services providers. Our CEO Ismail Akinci was also in attendance.

Our video interpreting coordinator Mikaela was invited to demonstrate how we train and prepare our interpreters for telehealth consultations – an innovative method of providing languages services which is improving public hospitals’ access to professional interpreters. Well done Mikaela!
#languageservices #telehealth #CALD


All Graduates
All Graduates | 8 Apr 2019

Understanding CALD Meaning: Enhancing Operational Efficiency in Engagements with Diverse Cultural Backgrounds

As Australia’s population continues to grow, we welcome migrants from all corners of the globe, contributing to our vibrant and diverse society. This multicultural growth, while enriching, introduces complexities to the operations of both public and private sectors, particularly in engaging with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities. This article explores the meaning of CALD, its implications for operational efficiency, and how the innovative solutions developed by All Graduates are addressing these challenges.



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What is CALD?


CALD, an acronym for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, refers to individuals or communities that originate from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. With an increasing number of people from diverse cultural backgrounds calling Australia home, understanding the CALD definition becomes critical in ensuring efficient communications and service delivery.


Enhancing Operational Efficiency in Engagements with CALD Communities


All Graduates is frequently engaged to enhance operational efficiency for our clients, predominantly government departments and businesses interfacing with non-English speaking clients. We leverage technology to enhance this interface, providing valuable insights through reports and analyses. 


“From the moment a non-English speaking client walks into your office, the challenge you face is finding the balance between meeting their needs with the inherent cost and complexity of doing so.”


LiME: A Revolutionary Multilingual Messaging System for CALD Backgrounds


Several years ago, we conceptualised a platform-agnostic messaging system – LiME. Initially inspired by a multilingual telephone message line proposal, LiME has evolved into an innovative solution that allows communication on any platform. It ensures the message, the crucial component, reaches the CALD communities effectively.


Why is LiME Essential for CALD Communities?


Language barriers can cause anxiety and create obstacles for non-English speakers, affecting their ability to engage with society and access services. Our LiME system dramatically reduces miscommunication risks and improves access to information for CALD groups without sacrificing operational efficiencies.




Technology Advancements in Language Services

While AI technologies such as Google Translate and Siri are handy for day-to-day translations, they fall short in business and government communications. Our LiME system addresses this issue, helping organisations communicate repetitive messages efficiently while improving access to appropriate language communications for their increasingly diverse clients.


“LiME utilises multi-platform technology to create meaningful, comprehensive communications where and when you need them. Discover how it can work for you.”


Is the Term CALD Appropriate and Should We Still Use It?


Yes, the term CALD, standing for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, remains appropriate as it acknowledges and respects the cultural and linguistic diversity in our society. This term is widely used in Australia to describe both individuals and communities that are culturally and linguistically diverse.



Community translation refers to the process of translating documents or communication materials intended for a particular linguistic community, ensuring that the message is accessible and culturally appropriate.

‘Plain Language’ simplifies content to ensure the message is clear and easy to understand for everyone. ‘Easy English’, on the other hand, simplifies the content further and includes visual elements, particularly designed for people with low English proficiency or literacy difficulties.

The term CALD originated in Australia and is used to acknowledge and respect the diversity in cultural backgrounds and languages spoken among people residing in Australia. It is used in policy, service delivery, community development, and various fields to recognise and address the specific needs of people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

The top 10 languages spoken in Australia reflect the country’s linguistic diversity, with Mandarin, Arabic, Vietnamese, Italian, Greek, Tagalog, Hindi, Spanish, Punjabi, and German being the most spoken languages after English.

By understanding and respecting the diversity in our CALD communities, we can work together to build a more inclusive society. At All Graduates, we are committed to making communication as straightforward as possible, especially for those from diverse cultural backgrounds. Whether it’s through our multilingual messaging system, LiME, or our range of other professional development resources, we strive to deliver reliable, high-quality translation and interpreting services for all.

Yes, it is possible.

All Graduates
All Graduates | 15 Apr 2019

Picture yourself trying to understand a foreign language or struggling to make sense of a document written in a language you can’t comprehend. It can be frustrating and make you feel alone – creating problems that affect every part of your life. People with non-English speaking backgrounds or NESB face these issues daily, dealing with problems related to reading and understanding language that make it hard for them to communicate and connect with others.

In 2021, the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that 22.3% of folks in Australia spoke a language at home that wasn’t English. But out of these people, only 68% said they were good or very good at English. That means more than 30% of people in Australia who come from non-English speaking backgrounds might struggle with reading and writing in English.

As we look into why being able to read and write is so important for people in Australia who don’t speak English, we want to shine a light on the problems they face and talk about some solutions that can help bridge this gap.

At All Graduates, we know how much not being able to read and write in English can affect people, and we’re committed to finding ways to help them. We’ll also talk about why it’s important to communicate well across different cultures and introduce some new services and tools, like interpreter services, translation engines, and messaging systems in multiple languages.

Come with us on this journey as we explore the complex world of breaking down the barriers of literacy and language for people in Australia who are NESB speakers. Together, we can make a difference and give people from different backgrounds the power to succeed in today’s global world.

Poor Literacy Affects NESB Speakers Too

Non-english Speakers thrive in a multicultural environment

Language and literacy barriers pose significant challenges for non-English speakers, hindering their ability to communicate effectively and navigate various aspects of daily life. While much attention has been given to improving literacy rates among native English speakers, it is essential to address the needs of non-English speaking people with limited literacy skills. By understanding the impact of poor literacy on this specific group, we can develop strategies and solutions to help overcome these barriers.

The consequences of poor literacy for NESB speakers are extensive. It diminishes their ability to engage actively in society, hindering their integration and participation. Lack of access to critical information, such as legal documents or safety guidelines, leaves them vulnerable to exploitation and injustices. Additionally, miscommunication due to poor literacy can result in misunderstandings, strained relationships, and missed opportunities.

Addressing below-par literacy among non-English speakers is a critical issue that requires collective action. By investing in effective language support services and resources, we can empower non-English speakers to overcome these barriers and achieve their full potential. Providing access to accurate and up-to-date information, language assistance, and culturally appropriate communication strategies are crucial steps in breaking down these barriers and improving outcomes for this population.


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“Audio is a great equaliser in terms of communicating messages where literacy is an issue.”


Understanding their Daily Challenges

NESB speakers with limited literacy skills face unique challenges that significantly impact their communication and daily lives. These challenges pose barriers to understanding and can hinder their ability to access essential services and information. Let’s explore these specific challenges and their implications.

Limited Language Proficiency 

One of the primary challenges for people with a non-English speaking background and who have limited literacy skills is their limited language proficiency. They may struggle to comprehend and express themselves effectively in the language spoken in their new environment. This limited language proficiency can make it difficult for them to communicate their needs, understand important instructions, and navigate various daily situations.

Difficulty in Understanding Written Information 

Poor literacy skills pose a notable hurdle NESB speakers as they struggle to read and understand written information. This can make it challenging for them to comprehend important documents, such as government forms, medical instructions, or educational materials. Without adequate support, they may miss out on critical information and opportunities.

Barriers to Accessing Services 

Limited learning skills can create significant barriers when non-English speaking people try to access various services. This can result in difficulties accessing healthcare, education, legal assistance, and other essential services, further exacerbating inequalities and hindering integration.

Social Isolation and Limited Opportunities 

The language and literacy blockades faced by non-English speakers can contribute to social isolation and limited opportunities. They may struggle to connect with their communities, find employment, or participate fully in society. Minimal literacy skills can also affect their confidence and self-esteem, making it more challenging to engage in social activities and build meaningful relationships.

Potential for Miscommunication and Misunderstanding 

When non-English speakers with below-par literacy skills try to communicate, there is a higher potential for miscommunication and misunderstanding. This can have serious consequences in various settings, such as healthcare, legal proceedings, or educational environments. Miscommunication can lead to errors, confusion, and even harm if critical information is not accurately conveyed.

The implications of these challenges are far-reaching, affecting their overall well-being and opportunities for social and economic advancement.

To address these challenges effectively, it is crucial to develop comprehensive strategies that prioritize the needs of non-English speakers with limited literacy skills. By providing targeted support and resources, we can empower these individuals to overcome language and literacy barriers and actively participate in society.

Solution #1 – Google Translate: AI and Machine Learning


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“Hey Google, how do you say ‘pass the wasabi’ in Japanese?”


Google Translate can help NESB Speakers to communicate effectively

Google Translate has revolutionized language translation with its advanced AI and machine learning capabilities. It provides an efficient and accessible tool for overcoming language barriers and supporting non-English speakers with limited literacy skills. With a vast database of languages and continuous improvements, Google Translate has become an indispensable resource in bridging communication gaps.

Accuracy and Reliability 

One of the key advantages of Google Translate is its accuracy in translating text from one language to another. With the power of AI and machine learning, Google constantly refines its translation algorithms, leading to highly accurate and reliable results. However, it is important to note that while Google Translate has made significant progress, it may not always capture the intricacies and nuances of a particular language, so some minor errors or inconsistencies may occur.

Multilingual Accessibility 

Google Translate supports a wide range of languages, making it accessible to speakers of different mother tongues. Whether it’s translating English to Spanish, French to Chinese, or any other language pair, Google Translate provides a quick and convenient solution for non-English speakers to understand and communicate in their desired language. This accessibility is particularly valuable for individuals who have limited literacy skills in their second language.

Text and Speech Translation 

Google Translate offers both text and speech translation capabilities. Users can enter words, phrases, or sentences for instant translation. Additionally, the app allows users to speak into their device’s microphone, which then translates their spoken words into the target language. This feature is especially advantageous for non-English speakers who struggle with reading or writing in their second language.

Offline Functionality 

Another useful feature of Google Translate is its offline functionality. Users can download language packs in advance and use the app without an internet connection. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who may not have access to stable or affordable internet services.

With offline translation, non-English speakers can utilize Google Translate anytime, anywhere, even without an internet connection.

Limitations and Considerations 

While Google Translate has numerous benefits, it does come with some limitations. As mentioned earlier, it may not capture every linguistic nuance accurately, and certain phrases, idioms, or cultural references may not translate well. It is essential to exercise caution and cross-reference translations with native speakers or reliable sources.

In addition, Google Translate should not be solely relied upon for critical and sensitive translations, such as legal or medical documents. For these situations, it is advisable to seek professional translation services to ensure accurate and precise communication.

Solution #2 – Interpreters for Businesses


The impact of qualified interpreters  enabling accurate communication  is invaluable.


An excellent interpreter is accompanying her NESB client in his business meetings

In today’s multicultural society, businesses interact with a diverse range of customers, including NESB speakers. However, language barriers can hinder effective communication and impact customer experience.

According to a survey conducted by Common Sense Advisory, 76% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase if the product information is available in their native language. This statistic highlights the importance of overcoming language barriers in business interactions to provide a positive customer experience and drive sales.

To address this challenge, businesses can rely on professional interpreters to facilitate communication with non-English speaking customers. By hiring interpreters who are fluent in the relevant languages, businesses can ensure accurate and effective communication, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Interpreters play a crucial role in various business settings, such as retail stores, customer service centers, and hospitality establishments. They can assist with tasks such as explaining product information, answering customer inquiries, and facilitating negotiations. With their language skills and cultural knowledge, interpreters help create a welcoming and inclusive environment where all customers feel valued and understood.

Furthermore, interpreters can also help businesses expand their reach into new markets. By breaking down language barriers, businesses can tap into the purchasing power of diverse communities and reach a wider customer base. This can lead to increased sales, revenue growth, and opportunities for long-term business expansion.

Businesses should prioritize professional interpreters over automated systems or untrained staff for accurate and culturally sensitive communication. Professional interpreters possess essential language fluency and cultural understanding, ensuring effective bridging of language gaps.

This is where qualified interpreters play a vital role in enabling accurate communication and bridging the gap between businesses and non-English speakers.

The Benefits of Qualified Interpreters

  1. Accurate Communication: Interpreters are trained professionals who possess excellent command over multiple languages, including business-specific jargon. They ensure precise and accurate interpretation, avoiding any misinterpretations or misunderstandings that may arise from limited language proficiency. This leads to clearer communication, fostering better understanding between businesses and non-English speakers.
  2. Cultural Understanding: Interpreters not only bridge the language gap but also help businesses navigate cultural nuances. They are familiar with the cultural norms, values, and customs of both NESB  speakers and the business environment. This understanding allows interpreters to facilitate smoother interactions and build rapport by ensuring cultural sensitivity is maintained throughout the conversation.
  3. Enhancing Customer Experience: By providing interpretation services, businesses demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity and customer-centricity. Interpreters help NESB speakers feel valued and understood, leading to a positive customer experience. This, in turn, can boost customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.
  4. Overcoming Legal and Ethical Challenges: In sectors that require legal compliance or involve sensitive information, qualified interpreters play a crucial role in upholding confidentiality and professionalism. They adhere to strict ethics and confidentiality guidelines, ensuring that the information shared remains secure and private.
  5. Efficiency and Accuracy: Engaging professional interpreters saves time and resources by eliminating the need for ad-hoc attempts at communication. With their expertise, interpreters ensure an efficient exchange of information, enabling businesses to focus on their core operations instead of struggling with language barriers.
  6. Building Trust and Credibility: Excellent customer service is built upon trust and credibility. By providing professional interpreters, businesses establish themselves as reliable partners who prioritize effective communication and customer satisfaction. This can lead to positive word-of-mouth recommendations and enhance the brand’s reputation in diverse communities.

Businesses investing in professional interpretation services show commitment to effective communication, customer-centricity, and trust-building in a diverse marketplace.

At All Graduates, we understand the importance of accurate and culturally sensitive communication. Through our interpreter services, we provide businesses with the necessary tools to overcome language barriers and connect effectively with non-English speakers. Let us help you bridge the gap and create meaningful interactions in a multicultural world.

Solution #3 – Audio-Messaging


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An NESB woman is using an audio messaging tool

Audio messaging offers a powerful solution for engaging with non-English speakers who face literacy barriers. By utilizing this innovative communication tool, businesses and organizations can create meaningful dialogues and overcome language and literacy challenges.

Enhancing Engagement and Accessibility

Audio messaging bridges language and literacy gaps, ensuring accessibility for non-English speakers with limited reading skills. Businesses benefit by delivering messages in audio formats.

Also, Audio messages provide a convenient and easily understandable delivery channel. They allow individuals to listen and comprehend information without reading or interpreting written text.

This accessibility helps to engage a broader audience, including those at the very lowest end of the literacy scale.

Creating Clear and Meaningful Interactions Help People with NESB

In situations where written text may be confusing or difficult to understand, audio messaging offers a clear and engaging alternative. By using simple phrasing and clear pronunciation, audio messages can effectively convey important information, instructions, or announcements to non-English speakers.

Moreover, this allows for real-time interaction and feedback. It enables individuals to ask questions or seek clarification in their native language, promoting a deeper understanding of the communicated content. This level of engagement can significantly enhance communication outcomes, ensuring that NESB speakers feel valued and included.

Overcoming Language and Literacy Barriers

Audio messaging is particularly valuable in professional environments, where complex concepts or technical terms may pose challenges for non-English speakers with limited literacy skills. By providing clear explanations and descriptions through audio messages, professionals can effectively bridge the language and literacy gap.

Additionally, audio messaging can be utilized in various settings, ranging from customer service helplines to educational institutions. It offers a convenient communication channel that can be easily accessed and understood by individuals with different language backgrounds and literacy levels.

The Power of Audio Messaging for NESB Speakers

In summary, audio messaging presents an effective tool for engaging with non-English speakers facing literacy barriers.

By delivering messages in an audio format, businesses and organizations can enhance accessibility, create clear and meaningful interactions, and overcome language and literacy challenges. This innovative solution allows for effective communication while fostering inclusivity and understanding among diverse audiences.

Breaking Through Barriers

Serving clients with low literacy levels is crucial for businesses to ensure effective communication and meaningful engagement. 

Here are some tips on how businesses can best connect with and cater to this audience:

  • Simplify Language and Avoid Jargon

First off, when communicating with non-English speakers facing literacy barriers, it’s essential to use clear and straightforward language. Avoid complex terminology, industry jargon, and acronyms that may confuse or intimidate individuals with limited literacy skills.

Instead, choose words and phrases that are easily understandable and relatable.

  • Utilise Visual Content

Next, visual aids can be powerful tools for conveying information to individuals with limited literacy. Incorporate images, diagrams, and infographics into your communication materials to enhance comprehension.

Not to mention that visual content can help bridge the gap between language barriers and literacy challenges, enabling NESB speakers to grasp concepts more easily.

  • Provide Language Support

Offering language support services can greatly assist non-English speaking background speakers with limited literacy skills. This can include providing translated materials, offering multilingual helplines, or utilizing translation software for real-time communication.

By addressing language barriers directly, businesses can ensure that their services and information are accessible to a broader audience.

  • Tailor Communication Channels

Consider the preferred communication channels of your low-literacy clients. While some may feel more comfortable with face-to-face interactions, others might prefer telephone or text-based communication. Understanding and accommodating these preferences can help foster better engagement and improve the overall client experience.

  • Train Staff on Cultural Sensitivity

Educate your staff on cultural sensitivity and diversity awareness to ensure respectful and inclusive communication. Understanding cultural nuances can help avoid misunderstandings and establish trust with non-English speaking clients. You can also encourage empathy and respect when interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

  • Seek Professional Language Support

Lastly, if your business regularly deals with NESB clients with limited literacy, investing in professional language support, such as interpreters or translators, can be invaluable. Qualified professionals can facilitate accurate communication, ensuring that messages are relayed clearly and effectively.

Remember, breaking through language and literacy barriers requires a proactive and empathetic approach. Implementing these tips enables businesses to enhance communication, connect with non-English speaking clients effectively, and create a positive, inclusive customer experience.


You can connect to your audience in meaningful ways, regardless of literacy proficiency.



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In conclusion, addressing poor literacy among NESB speakers is crucial for creating inclusive and effective communication. Language and literacy barriers greatly impact the lives of individuals with limited English proficiency, hindering their ability to access information, participate in society, and fulfill their potential.

However, effective strategies and resources are available to overcome these challenges and promote meaningful engagement.

Throughout this article, we have explored various solutions to address language and literacy barriers. To aid non-English speakers with limited literacy skills, effective support can be provided through the use of AI, machine learning (e.g., Google Translate), and qualified interpreters.

Additionally, Audio messaging is now a powerful way to connect and interact with this audience, fostering meaningful conversations and facilitating clear engagement.

Thus, language and literacy barriers should be seen as both a responsibility and an opportunity for businesses and organizations to foster inclusivity. All Graduates’ strategies and services can help NESB speakers overcome challenges, participate in society, access services, and achieve their goals.

Together, we can break through language and literacy barriers and build a more inclusive and equal society for all.



  • Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing, Census Dictionary, Language Used  At Home, 2021
  • Survey of 8,709 Consumers in 29 Countries Finds that 76% Prefer Purchasing Products with Information in Their Own Language by CSA Research, 2020
All Graduates
All Graduates | 5 Apr 2019

Digital communication has made engagement simpler, but understanding the needs and preferences of your non-English speaking background (NESB) or culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) clients can make a big difference. Here are four key aspects to consider. 


1. Diversified Communication Platforms for Non-English Speaking Background (NESB) Clients


Non-English speakers access information from various sources. While some may require telephone interpreter service, others are comfortable with digital communication platforms. It’s essential to accommodate these different preferences to effectively reach out to your non-English speaking or CALD clients.


In 1975, the Australian Government established the forerunner of what we know today as SBS. They created this radio service to help migrants and refugees understand important changes in society. You can read more about this in our article about SBS and the evolution of multilingual media.

Companies need to consider the digital skills of their audience. What is effective for one person may not be for another. For instance, highly skilled migrants might prefer to receive information through messaging apps, social media, and podcasts. On the other hand, older migrants and refugees might find it easier to use more traditional methods, like phone messages.


Different Communication Platforms for NESB Clients


2. Understanding Literacy Levels in Non-English Speaking Clients


Verbal proficiency does not equate to literacy ability. With an average worldwide illiteracy rate of 18.9%, it’s crucial to develop strategies that consider literacy levels. For example, using audio-messaging through a system like LiME Multilingual Messaging can be an effective solution. When messages turn into discussions, it’s necessary to bring in phone, video, and on-site interpreters. Given that up to 6 million Australians may have very limited English reading and understanding skills, it’s a smart move to put these systems in place.


3. Consideration of Accents When Communicating with Non-English Speakers


Accents can sometimes add complexity to verbal communication. By using a variety of voice talents with different accents for different audiences, and providing video remote interpreting, it’s possible to enhance understanding and ease any uneasiness in non-English speakers.


It seems quite simple to mimic an Australian accent. However, how often have you winced at an American trying to copy it? Or been puzzled when someone asks you abroad if you’re from London. Every accent has its unique traits, influenced by the people you’ve lived with and the culture you’ve been raised in. The Australian accent can vary from region to region. This doesn’t make it any easier for a foreigner to imitate, much less comprehend.

People who don’t speak English may already feel uncomfortable, struggling to understand cultural and language differences when using services. Your organization can make this easier by using messaging services, interpreters and similar tools to enhance communication. We also suggest using voice actors with different accents for various audiences.


Importance of Accents in Communication with Non-English Speakers


4. Boosting Engagement for Better Loyalty with Non-English Speaking Background (NESB) Clients


Creating content in your clients’ native language and engaging with them via social media can greatly improve their engagement. This authentic approach to digital communication fosters a sense of belonging among your non-English speaking or CALD clients, resulting in better loyalty.

In simple terms, it’s important to create a bond with your customers to keep them interested and devoted to your business. This should be the same for your clients who don’t speak English. In fact, with today’s ever-present technology, it’s more important than ever. Clients look forward to receiving messages that are personal, easy to understand, and meet their specific needs. If your organization can deliver this, the end result will be satisfied clients who feel important and valued.

Don’t hesitate to interact with your clients on social media, and urge them to view your website, forums, and social media platforms as safe spaces to initiate discussions and ask questions. The more conversation you can generate, and the more engaged they are, the more control and influence they will feel. Ideally, they will not just be your fans or supporters, but also your advocates and representatives. This gives non-English speakers and individuals from different cultures a chance to feel a sense of belonging.



Non-English speaking background customers have the same needs as any other client. They require clear, accessible, and targeted content. With thoughtful communication strategies, you can meet their unique needs, foster deeper engagement, and build long-term loyalty.

All Graduates
All Graduates | 5 Apr 2019

In today’s globally connected society, building bridges with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities is crucial. Now more than ever, customers expect their experiences to be personal, accessible and catered to their specific needs. This is especially true for individuals from a non-English speaking background. 

So, let’s explore three effective strategies to engage your non-English speaking customers and clients.


Customer engagement through digital communication platforms


1 – Harness Communication Platforms Understood by Your Non-English Speaking Audience


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Efficient communication isn’t about adding or reducing channels; it’s about ensuring your messages resonate with your audience, especially those from non-English speaking backgrounds or those with low literacy skills. Solutions like telephone interpreter services and video remote interpreting can bridge gaps where physical interpreting isn’t viable. 

Harness the power of digital communication platforms to connect with your clients more effectively. Whether through Instant Messaging, Social Media, emails, apps, or your website, view these platforms as dynamic tools for engagement. It’s important to remember that just because your text is translated doesn’t necessarily make it accessible – the barrier may be one of literacy or familiarity with certain digital platforms.

Consider utilizing text, audio, and video communications to ensure that your non-English speaking audience can access your content, regardless of their literacy levels or English comprehension. 


2 – Make Your Content a Conversation


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The internet has revolutionized customer engagement by transforming one-way customer interactions into persistent dialogues. It’s crucial that your content speaks to your clients’ needs, in a language and format they understand. 


Telephone interpreter service for non-English speakers


Tools such as social media, personalised communications via email or chat, and audio messaging can help you develop new relationships and nurture existing ones. The goal is to encourage a two-way dialogue where non-English speakers can engage in meaningful ways.

You can easily adapt and repurpose your existing communications. For instance, you could transform a brochure into a shareable audiogram or record your FAQs in another language accessible via a telephone message service.


3 – Establish a Connection with Your Non-English Speaking Customers


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Engagement is about establishing an emotional connection. This is especially important when dealing with clients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. By creating content in their native language, you demonstrate authenticity and a genuine desire to meet their needs.

Digital communications provide an opportunity for dialogue and input from your audience. While it may seem daunting, this direct connection allows you to understand their needs better and continuously improve your products or services. This participatory dynamic turns your audience into not just consumers, but stakeholders and advocates.

Video remote interpreting facilitating communication


When your clients from non-English speaking backgrounds feel valued and connected to your service, they are more likely to invest in it. Language shouldn’t be a barrier to connecting with your audience. By leveraging digital communication platforms and adapting your approach, you can ensure your services resonate with all customers, regardless of their English background.

Melbourne Health and All Graduates connecting Health Professional with multicultural patients across Victoria.

All Graduates
All Graduates | 5 Apr 2019

In 2018, Melbourne Health (Royal Melbourne Hospital [RMH]) expanded its use of video interpreting to facilitate telehealth consultations with multicultural patients. The initiative was supported under the Department of Health and Human Services – Language Services Innovation Grants program It followed research published in 2015[1] by Dr Thomas Schulz, Infectious Diseases Physician at RMH, which showed that patients from culturally and linguistically diverse communities preferred accessing interpreters via video conferencing rather than telephone, in situations when onsite interpreting was not possible.

RMH had worked with All Graduates on the earlier trial and approached them to be involved in this project as the supplier of interpreters via video.  All Graduates took the role of training and supporting the interpreters to use the video platform and ensured the video connections were appropriate and the delivery of the service was of high quality.

Patients from over 100 language backgrounds make up over 50% of RMH patients, indicating an obvious and growing need to:

  • ensure improved access to services
  • remove communication barriers
  • reduce costs and inconvenience for patients/interpreters located in regional/rural Victoria
  • increase efficiency of service delivery through use of technology.

From April 2018 to January 2019 123 requests for video interpreters were made, 57% of these were secured with an interpreter. The most frequently requested language was Karen – 36 requests were made of which 53% were fulfilled . As had been found in the earlier study, patients in particular valued the ability to see and interact with their interpreter rather than being reliant on telephone communication only. The sessions were delivered in 26 languages [see below] involving patients in Melbourne and interpreters located in Melbourne and remotely throughout Victoria, and across NSW, Qld, and WA.

Video interpreting is currently delivered using the Commonwealth Government’s Health Direct telehealth platform, which enables browser-enabled videoconferencing accessible by any phone, tablet or computer. Using Health Direct, any health service can link to patients or interpreters in any location, and experience a high-quality audio-visual connection. In collaboration with RMH, All Graduates used administrator-level access to:

  • allow customisation of the interpreter’s virtual waiting room
  • undertake triage in relation to conference connections
  • quality assure the connection prior to bringing the interpreter into the consultation.

Throughout the period, patients and interpreters alike enjoyed the user-friendly technology and ease of access to the video platform via the internet. One highly experienced Maltese interpreter commented that the video interpreting platform far surpassed any system used previously in his work interpreting with the courts, as no additional software, effort or expertise was required to connect to the videoconference. A Rohingya interpreter was able to successfully provide eight video interpreting sessions over two months while situated overseas. In another instance, an interpreter from a rare language located in regional Victoria, delivered an interpreting session via video which potentially saved RMH over $700 in anticipated travel expenses.

The project has been successful in embedding video as a standard means of improving access to interpreter’s for the significant refugee/immigrant populations living in Victoria, across a range of language backgrounds. It has demonstrated that any hospital that is enabled, through Health Direct, can engage interpreters from remote locations to provide interpreting services to their CALD patients .  A benefit of the approach is the access to a nation-wide pool of interpreters, which is much larger than that which can be realistically supplied in onsite interpreting situations in Melbourne. During the initial period, Interpreter locations ranged from metro Melbourne (Hungarian), to Yackandandah and Nhill (Karen), to the suburbs of Sydney (Indonesian, French), Canberra (Amharic), Queensland (Kirundi) and WA (French and Malay). In these early stages, patients were all located in Melbourne with their healthcare professional, and the interpreters, remotely located, provided services via video.

Following success of the initial period, demand for the service has grown and includes the following languages:   Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Hakka, Karen, Kiswahili, Lao, Malay, Maltese Rohingya, Samoan, Tamil, Thai, Tibetan and Urdu.

Feedback from the patient and healthcare professional experience has been very positive, and it is particularly valued when it is able to be arranged at short notice, and a wider range of interpreting professionals can be sourced from metropolitan and regional locations around the country. Video interpreting technology has enormous potential to improve service access, delivery and flexibility, and reduce costs. Over time, the rollout of this capability will make consultations between any health professional, patient and interpreter in any location around the country a real possibility.


Telehealth consultations were delivered using interpreters in the following languages:

Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Chin (Mizo), Finnish, French, Gujarati, Hungarian, Indonesian, Karen, Kirundi, Macedonian, Malay, Malayalam, Min Nan, Rohingya, Samoan, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Tibetan, Tigre, Timorese Hakka, Turkish, Urdu and Vietnamese.

[1] Schulz TR, Leder K, Akinci I and Biggs B-A (2015), Improvements in patient care: videoconferencing to improve access to interpreters during clinical consultations for refugee and immigrant patients, Australian Health Review 39(4), pp395-399, 23 March


The anxiety of learning English as a second language, and the challenges non-English speakers face

Elise Hearst
Elise Hearst | 1 Apr 2019

I said, “Do you speak-a my language?”
He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich


Triggered by unfamiliar sounds, different cultural expressions, and fear of making mistakes, have you ever felt that rush of nerves when speaking in English? You’re not alone. Recent studies show over 30% of international students experience foreign language anxiety.
Foreign language anxiety (FLA), is defined as a feeling of apprehension or fear associated with communicating in a foreign language.
Learning English as a second language is undoubtedly tough, especially for international students who are already facing the challenges of living and studying in a new country. FLA can manifest in a variety of ways, such as nervousness, self-doubt, and avoidance of speaking or writing in the new language.
It can have a significant impact on language learning, making it difficult to focus, absorb information, and perform well in class and on assignments.
However, there are a number of things that international students can do to manage Foreign Language Anxiety and improve their language learning experience.

Exploring the Depths of Foreign Language Anxiety 

Foreign language anxiety refers to the fear, nervousness, or uneasiness experienced by individuals when using or learning a foreign language. It can stem from a variety of factors, such as the fear of making mistakes, being judged by others, or feeling like an outsider due to communication difficulties. These anxieties can have a profound effect on the learning experience and overall language proficiency.

If you’re an international student, you likely experience anxiety when speaking English. According to research, over 25% of university students in Australia are international, with the largest groups coming from China, India, and other Asian countries. 

While the classroom provides some structure, outside interactions can be unpredictable, making it hard to convey what you really mean or understand what’s going on. This anxiety often continues even after graduating as you enter the workforce.

Many hope to gain permanent residency, but to do so, you must meet English language requirements. This could add to the pressure of learning an entirely different language in an entirely different environment from where you grew up. 

Unmasking the Culprit: Common Triggers of Language Anxiety

According to studies, anxiety from learning a foreign language can have damaging effects and impact your ability to master the new language. A 2006 study by Lindy Woodrow found that for some students, the anxiety experienced when speaking English was debilitating. 

a girl who feels afraid of being misjudgedAs an international student in Australia, the thought of speaking English in social situations can trigger feelings of anxiety and stress. Common triggers include:

Speaking with native English speakers. Whether it’s chatting with your professor or ordering coffee, conversing with native speakers when English isn’t your first language can be nerve-wracking. You may worry about misunderstandings, not being able to express yourself clearly, or saying something incorrectly.

Presenting or speaking up in group settings. Having to present in front of classmates or speak up during a team meeting when you’re still learning the language can be anxiety-provoking. Fear of judgment from others, difficulty articulating your thoughts, or general discomfort being the center of attention are all contributing factors.

The Influence of Foreign Language Anxiety on the Learning Journey

Learning a new language can be an exciting and rewarding journey, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges. 

For international students, foreign language anxiety can be particularly challenging. Being in a foreign country, away from their native language and familiar culture, can intensify their anxieties. These students may struggle with adapting to a different learning environment, understanding cultural subtleties, and forming connections. 

The anxiety often stems from three main factors:


  • Difficulty navigating unpredictable social and workplace situations where English is required
  • Struggling to convey their meaning due to limited language skills
  • Feeling anxious when speaking in group settings or to native English speakers because of fear of being judged. 

Their anxiety can hinder their ability to fully engage in classroom activities, participate in discussions, and ask questions, ultimately affecting their language learning progress.

Some specific ways in which foreign language anxiety can affect learning are: 


Cognitive impairment: Anxiety when learning English as a second language can interfere with cognitive processes such as attention, memory, and problem-solving. This can make it difficult for learners to acquire new language knowledge and skills.

Communication avoidance: Learners with FLA may avoid speaking and writing in a foreign language for fear of making mistakes or being judged negatively. This can limit their opportunities to practice and improve their language skills.

Reduced motivation: Language learning anxiety can lead to a loss of motivation to learn a foreign language. International students learning English may feel discouraged and give up if they feel anxious and stressed about learning.

Students who experience high levels of FLA are more likely to have poorer grades and lower overall proficiency in the foreign language.

A student experiencing foreign language anxiety asks for help

Here are some examples of how anxiety cripples effective language learning: 

  • A student who is anxious about speaking in a foreign language may be less likely to participate in class discussions or activities. This can lead to missed opportunities to practice and improve their speaking skills.
  • International students who are anxious about learning English and are conscious about making mistakes may be afraid to ask questions or volunteer to answer them in class. This can make it difficult to learn from their mistakes and improve their understanding of the material.
  • An anxious student being evaluated may avoid taking risks in their foreign language learning. This can make it difficult to develop fluency and confidence in the language.

By understanding the factors that contribute to foreign language anxiety, we can take the steps to minimize them. Students will then have a better chance of overcoming their fears, mastering English, and adapting to their new cultural surroundings. Reducing anxiety and improving confidence in using English will empower international students to fully participate in Australian society.


In professional circumstances there are many great communication solutions available which can be used to improve engagement with your non-native speakers, and address the inherent deficit in their ability to access your services.


A 2006 paper delivered by Lindy Woodrow (Honorary Senior Lecturer in TESOL¹, University of Sydney) details the results from her study about foreign language anxiety. Woodrow looked at students in their final months of studying English, prior to enrolling in university courses in Australia. The study revealed that learning English as a second language can be a negative and potentially damaging experience both in and out of the classroom (Woodrow, 2006). This may impact a learner’s capacity to master their new language and achieve confidence in handling day-to-day communications.

¹Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

“Anxiety experienced in communication in English can be debilitating”

Lindy Woodrow


Strategies to Tame Foreign Language Jitters In Classroom

As an international student learning English in Australia, feeling some anxiety in the classroom is completely understandable. 

Managing foreign language anxiety in the classroom can be challenging, but there are effective strategies that can help both students and teachers cope with this common issue and here are some of them: 
  • Identify your triggers. What are the specific situations that cause you anxiety? Once you identify your triggers, you can start developing coping mechanisms.
  • Practice your presentation beforehand. Repeating your presentation out loud, ideally to another person, will boost your confidence for the actual presentation. Hearing yourself speak the words will make you more comfortable with the material.
  • Focus on your message, not perfection. Don’t aim to speak perfect English without any mistakes. Focus instead on conveying your key message or main points. Your proficiency will improve over time, so avoid being too self-critical.
  • Build rapport with your teacher and classmates. Having a good relationship with your teacher and fellow students will make you feel more at ease speaking in class. Try introducing yourself, smiling, making eye contact and engaging in casual conversations before and after class.
  • Ask questions. Don’t stay silent if you have a question about an assignment, discussion topic or presentation. Asking questions will clarify any confusion you have and allow you to participate more fully and confidently. Your teacher and classmates will appreciate your questions too.
  • Take breaks. When anxiety arises, step back. Shake things up by moving around or doing something you enjoy.
  • Reward yourself. When you achieve a language learning goal, reward yourself. This will help you stay motivated and boost your confidence.

The classroom is a perfect place to strengthen your English speaking skills in a supportive environment. Focus on preparation, building connections and self-care strategies to help overcome feelings of anxiety. The more you practice speaking, the more your confidence will grow. With time and experience, interacting in English will feel second nature.

Building Confidence Speaking English Beyond Classroom

Building confidence in speaking English outside the classroom is essential for language learners aiming to enhance their communication skills. 

Practicing speaking English in real-world situations will help you improve your fluency, pronunciation, and grammar. Immersing yourself in these situations will help boost your confidence in your ability to communicate in English over time. 

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you speak English, the more comfortable you’ll feel. Strike up casual conversations with classmates, neighbors, or coworkers. Ask open-ended questions to keep the discussion going. Join local social or interest groups to meet new people and get used to conversing comfortably. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – focus on listening, understanding and being understood. With regular practice, your anxiety will subside.

Start Small and Build Up

Don’t throw yourself into anxiety-inducing situations right away. Start with low-key interactions like ordering coffee or asking for directions, then work your way up to lengthier conversations. Give presentations in front of friends or family before larger groups. Take opportunities to speak up at work in meetings or with colleagues. Each experience will increase your self-assurance for the next one.

Focus on Your Message

When speaking in public or to native English speakers, focus on the message you want to convey rather than your language ability. Prepare thoroughly and know your material inside and out. Connect with your audience by making eye contact and speaking clearly. Their reactions or judgment of your English are secondary to communicating your key points. Staying focused on your goal will boost your confidence from within.

Learn Cultural Cues

Familiarize yourself with Australian English expressions, customs and body language. The more you understand the cultural context, the more comfortable you’ll feel interacting with native speakers. Watch TV shows, read books, newspapers and magazines to pick up common phrases and sayings. Knowing what to expect in various situations will ease anxiety and allow your personality to shine through.

Record Yourself Speaking English

This is a valuable tool for tracking your progress and pinpointing areas for improvement. It can also be helpful to listen back to your recordings and get feedback from a native speaker or teacher.

So don’t be afraid to put yourself in anxiety-inducing scenarios – each experience will decrease your stress and increase your self-assurance. You’ve got this, mate! Keep at it and before you know it, chatting with native English speakers will feel as natural as a bunnings sausage sizzle.


The Role of Educators and Schools in Easing The Grip of Anxiety

In tackling the issue of lowering anxiety related to learning a foreign language, it is critical to acknowledge the pivotal roles that educators and educational institutions play in this regard. Teachers provide pupils with safe, supportive environments in which to explore learning a new language. 

With international student populations increasing, it’s crucial for teachers and schools to consider cultural sensitivities and find ways to alleviate anxiety. 

Providing Emotional Support

  • Be aware of the signs of Foreign Language Anxiety. Signs can include sweating, trembling, blushing, and difficulty concentrating. If you see any of these signs in your students, be sure to offer them support and encouragement.
  • Reassure students that feeling anxious is normal and help them develop coping strategies. Let them know you understand what they’re going through.
  • Encourage students to use self-calming techniques like deep breathing, visualization, and positive self-talk. These can help students gain confidence in their abilities.

Promoting an Inclusive Learning Environment

  • Foster an open, welcoming classroom environment where students feel comfortable participating without fear of embarrassment. Call on students to answer questions or speak voluntarily instead of demanding responses.
  • Use a variety of teaching methods and activities. This helps to keep students engaged and motivated, and it also allows them to learn at their own pace. Teachers can also provide students with opportunities to use the language in a variety of contexts, such as through role-playing, simulations, and projects.
  • Play calming music during class or group activities. Soft instrumentals can help decrease stress and anxiety for both students and teachers.
  • Avoid creating a competitive environment. Competition can increase anxiety levels, so it is important for teachers to focus on creating a cooperative and supportive learning environment.
  • Incorporate mindfulness exercises like short meditation breaks. Taking time to pause and re-center can help students gain awareness and clarity, allowing them to better focus on the tasks at hand.

Improving Cultural Awareness

  • Learn about students’ cultural backgrounds and be sensitive to potential differences. Understand that anxiety may stem from unfamiliarity with Australian teaching styles or difficulty navigating cultural norms.
  • Provide opportunities for students to share information about their cultures and languages. Promoting inclusiveness and cultural exchange can help build rapport and ease anxiety.

Make Resources Available

  • Schools (especially those that offer TESOL) should provide adequate resources, such as language labs, multimedia materials, and conversational practice sessions, to bolster students’ language skills. 
  • Provide students with opportunities to interact with native speakers of the language they are learning. This could involve organising exchange programs, inviting native speakers to visit the classroom, or providing students with access to online resources where they can interact with native speakers.
  • Partner with a reliable language services provider who can offer a wide variety of assistance to international students such as content translation (for academic materials such as textbooks, articles, essays, and presentations), interpreting services, and language coaching. These can help students to understand their coursework and complete their requirements to a high standard while building their confidence in their speaking and writing abilities. 

Additionally, educational institutions can create school-wide policies and procedures that promote a positive and supportive learning environment for all students. This could include things like anti-bullying policies, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and mental health resources.

“Anxiety is clearly an issue in language learning and has a debilitating effect on speaking English for some”

Lindy Woodrow.


English words written on a blackboardThere are many rich linguistic resources available to both learners and organisations to lubricate interactions, improve engagement and reduce this inherent anxiety. For example, encouraging participation in social activities, accessing local council and library services, or utilising Non-English resources to build knowledge of and familiarity with services and procedures.

According to the Department of Education, universities are now seeking to diversify their international student population, with figures showing big increases in the numbers of students from Brazil and Colombia.

With the international student population growing, and also contributing to a significant number of permanent migrants to Australia every year, service providers should rethink their approach to non-English speaking customers.

It is important to take into account cultural sensitivities and potential anxieties, whilst actively seeking ways to improve the effectiveness of and appeal of client interface points. This will ultimately enhance client engagement, improve outcomes and contribute to a culture of inclusion – and that would be, well, bloody bonza mate.

Immerse in the Vibrancy of Your Local Community

Getting involved in your local community is one of the best ways to reduce foreign language anxiety and ease into Australian culture. Joining a local sports club, volunteering, or participating in community events are all great options.

Find a hobby or interest group

Look for groups in your area that match your hobbies or interests. This could be anything from a gardening club to a hiking meetup. Joining a casual group centered around an enjoyable activity takes the focus off language ability and lets you connect with others over shared interests. 

Participating in a hobby group in a low-pressure setting can help build your confidence in conversing and navigating unpredictable conversations.

Volunteer your time

Volunteering at a community organisation is a rewarding way to practice your English, gain valuable Australian work experience, and give back. Check with local charities, places of worship, hospitals, or animal shelters for opportunities. 

Assisting others through volunteer work can boost your self-esteem and motivation to improve your language skills. At the same time, the organisations benefit from your cultural diversity and language abilities in serving their communities.

Get out and explore

Make an effort to get out and participate in community festivals, markets, and events. Trying Aussie foods, listening to live music, and people-watching are all great ways to observe Australian culture in action while minimizing anxiety.

 Strike up a conversation with vendors or other attendees and ask questions – most will appreciate your interest in learning more about the local community. Familiarizing yourself with community happenings helps avoid confusion over procedures and expectations, which Woodrow notes as a source of stress for non-English speakers.

Getting involved in your neighborhood and surrounding community is vital for developing a sense of belonging in your new home. While it may feel uncomfortable at first, putting yourself in social situations and engaging with others is the best way to improve your English, gain cultural knowledge, and ultimately feel at ease living in Australia. Join a sports league, volunteer, explore festivals, and start conversations – you’ll be feeling like a local in no time!

Harnessing Support for Non-English Speakers

Utilising resources tailored for non-English speakers can help alleviate anxiety and ease the transition into Australian life. Many government and non-profit organisations offer services aimed at assisting migrants and international students.

Language Services – Seek out free or low-cost English classes in your area. Local councils, community colleges, and libraries frequently offer conversational English or English as a Second Language courses. 

Translation and Interpreting Assistance – Don’t hesitate to ask for help interpreting documents or navigating unfamiliar situations. Many hospitals, local councils, and community organisations provide translation services or employ bilingual staff. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you’re unsure of procedures or proper etiquette. It’s better to ask for clarification to avoid confusion or unintentionally offending someone.

Take advantage of the technology – There are many free resources available on the internet to help you in your language learning journey. For example, Find a Translation is a free multilingual search engine for translated resources and information. 

Connecting with Your Community – Expanding your social connections leads to greater life satisfaction and contentment in your new home. The key is not to remain isolated or solely rely on university resources. 

While the classroom environment is useful for learning English in a structured way, real-world interactions are necessary to achieve fluency and confidence. Don’t be afraid to utilise the many resources available to help non-English speakers integrate into Australian society.


As an international student, learning to manage language anxiety will help open doors for you. You’ll find conversing with others less intimidating and stressful, allowing you to truly immerse yourself in the language and culture. 

Focus on preparation, positive self-talk, and learning from your mistakes. 

Repetition leads to effortless performance. Before you know it, chatting with locals about the latest news or your hobbies will seem familiar. 

Overcoming language anxiety is challenging, but with the right mindset and practical strategies, you’ve got this! 

Remember, everyone feels nervous at times – what matters most is having the courage to try.

All Graduates is devoted to helping students succeed in their studies, and our services can play a vital role in alleviating foreign language anxiety. Our team of experienced translators and interpreters is highly qualified and experienced, and we pledge to provide students with the best possible support. 

We recognize that each student is unique, and we customize our services to meet their individual requirements.

We can help you to overcome your fears and achieve your academic goals.



  • ABS Australian Social Trends 2102.0 June 2009
  • df
  • Anxiety and Second/Foreign Language Learning Revisited by Ying Zheng, 2008
  • A Study of Language Anxiety among English Language Learners in Saudi Arabia by Badia Muntazer Hakim, 2019
  • Impact of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety on Higher Education Students Academic Success: Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence and Moderating Influence of Classroom Environment by Siyuan Han, Yiman Li, and Syed Arslan Haider, 2022


When your child asks for sushi in their lunchbox instead of a white bread vegemite sandwich, you know times have changed.

Elise Hearst
Elise Hearst | 25 Mar 2019

A stroll to your local shopping strip, or a scroll down your preferred food delivery app, reveals a lot about the culinary tastes and trends of our nation. Fish and chips, charcoal chicken, burger and a beer – once synonymous with Aussie culture, no longer dominate the restaurant and take-away market. They have been superseded by souvlakis, pizzas, and sushi; and more recently by curries, banh mi, and of course, the burrito (extra sour cream, extra guac – thanks). According to the data, Australians’ taste in food has evolved beyond meat pies to something far more representative of our status as a prosperous, food-loving multicultural nation. Market research analysts NPD declared in 2018 that ethnic fast food is the most popular cuisine among Australian millennials. It begs the question:

“In 2019, what is Australian food?”


You may as well ask “What does an Australian look like?” There’s no straightforward answer to either. Our palate is as diverse as the attendants at an Australian citizenship ceremony, or an AFL match (sorry, Rugby League if you’re from up north). As the song goes: “We are one, but we are many, and from all the lands on earth we come.” Since colonial times our interest in food has been largely shaped by global trends and waves of migration. An Australian summer staple, the pavlova was named after a visiting Russian dancer in the 1920s (apologies New Zealand, we know you claim its origin, but we’ll still claim it for dessert). Australian pub classic the chicken parma was inspired by an Italian eggplant dish. The well-loved Dim Sim (or “dimmie” as it’s often nicknamed), was in fact an Australian creation by a Chinese restaurateur in Melbourne in the 1940s, and has since become as ubiquitous as Smiths Chips. The Chiko Roll was born from the mind of a Bendigo boilermaker and made its debut in Wagga Wagga, a far cry from the land of the spring roll. But surely, Australian food has to be more complex than a bit of meringue or a deep-fried dumpling?! What does seem to be clear, is that since Australia began welcoming migrants from all backgrounds – regardless of race or religion – so too, have Australians embraced ethnic cuisines, and adapted them in our own unique ways.

“I’ve always said that I think Australian food is defined by the many ethnic communities that have migrated to Australia and the way we have as a collective, embraced their cooking techniques, ingredients and style”

Australian chef Dan Hong


This is evident not only in the changing face of the local takeaway, but in our rabid appetite for cooking shows with their casts of culturally diverse chefs and “reality” players. We can’t get enough of celebrity chefs – from Chinese-Australian Kylie Kwong to Greek-Australian George Calombaris, Malaysian-born Poh Ling Yeow to Vietnamese-Australian Luke Nguyen – and we are certainly happy to patronise their restaurants too. Calombaris, of Masterchef fame, is now the owner of 20 restaurants offering his signature Greek cuisine. In fact, over the last four years, ethnic cuisines such as Mexican, Turkish, Indian, Greek and Italian, have been the fastest growing foodservice categories, with sales increasing by 63%. NPD attributes the rise in popularity to the active participation of millennials in food and restaurant culture. Which perhaps is also code for millennials being very comfortable in the multicultural landscape, perhaps even more so than previous generations.


“Ethnic foods are fast becoming as Aussie as lamingtons and snags wrapped in sliced white bread.”


If we look at cosmopolitan Melbourne as a microcosm of multicultural Australia, you can see how different geographical areas are defined by their cultural specificity. Where the Victorian capital city used to have just Chinatown, there are now many distinct areas that are known for their migrant communities and the cuisines they are famous for. Locals and tourists alike are willing to travel far and wide in search of the next taste sensation. They’ll venture to Richmond just for a Vietnamese Pho, Footscray for Ethiopian injera, Oakleigh for a Greek Moussaka, Balaclava for a bagel, and Box Hill for Yum Cha. As we embrace these immigrant foods we are inadvertently reshaping our use of language, and evolving our national identity, creating pathways to not only appreciating those cultures, but understanding them. This results in immigrant languages and foods appearing in our day to day discourse and slang. Think how quickly Australians can turn a food phrase into a colloquialism: sanger, barbie, smashed avo, barra, snag. And think again about more recent incarnations of popular items on menus: sliders (mini burgers), bowls (rice, noodles), and wraps of any and every kind (falafel, burrito, souvlaki, – wrap it in gluten and we’ll eat it). No need to take an expensive trip to Southeast Asia. Restaurants flagrantly use the terms “hawker food” or “street food” to intimate the authenticity of their offerings.

“Food is the ultimate tool in fostering conversation and understanding between cultures.”


If anything, Australians’ relationship with food signals a shift in attitudes towards diverse cultures, races and religions. Food encourages conversation and understanding. Nick Temple, from Indigenous restaurant Charcoal Lane in Melbourne says, “People talk about Australia not having a cuisine… But when you’re in a space where you don’t recognise half of the ingredients on your plate, you’re not scared to ask questions. And that opens it up to more questions. It makes people recognise how much they don’t know about the country they live in.”What and how we eat changes the way we think about food, how we speak about food, and ultimately how we speak to each other. The feel-good takeaway (excuse the pun) from all this? Our rapid embrace of immigrant foods over the last ten years reflects our country’s capacity for tolerance and integration of an increasingly broad multicultural landscape.

“What’s next on the menu?”


We could hypothesise about the next food trend till the cows (or vegan friendly beef substitutes) come home. But there is no doubt that ethnic foods, just like ethnic culture is now intertwined with our personal identity. And more than ever, it is reflecting the core idea of Australia as a nation of battlers, each of us seeking a chance to flourish and succeed in a sometimes harsh and unforgiving physical and political climate. So, with the latest waves of new migrants coming from countries like South Sudan, Somalia,Iran, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Syria and Iraq, we can definitely expect new food trends. Before long you’ll probably be wrapping your mouth around some new taste sensations, and then, the Australianisation of those new tastes, with accompanying slang drifting into common parlance. So, pass the dead horse, and let’s go get some lunch.

“How have ethnic immigration trends impacted your business? Are you struggling to connect with culturally diverse communities?”


  • ood

Life is peppered with unexpected events...

Elise Hearst
Elise Hearst | 18 Mar 2019

As an immigrant in Australia, encountering language barriers is often an unavoidable part of life. However, for many businesses and organizations, overcoming these barriers is crucial to providing fair and equitable services. Professional interpreting services are essential tools that facilitate clear communication and ensure people from all backgrounds have equal access.

Studies show that qualified interpreters significantly improve comprehension for non-native speakers during complex or sensitive conversations. For skilled immigrants, interpreters can be the key to unlocking opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible due to language alone. 

With nearly half of Australians either born overseas or with at least one parent born overseas, the impact of professional interpreting services on individuals and communities is huge.

For any organisation, making qualified interpreting services available is one of the most impactful ways to practice inclusion. It allows customers and clients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to fully participate, feel heard, and receive the same standard of care as native English speakers. 

In short, it is one of the most vital keys to equitable service delivery in our multicultural society.


The Growing Diversity in Australia Calls for Equitable Services

As Australia’s cultural diversity grows, the demand for professional interpreting services is essential for equitable access to services.

The Growing Need for Interpreters

With over 300 languages spoken across Australia, including Indigenous languages, communication barriers are increasingly common. Nearly 1 in 4 Australians were born overseas, and international students make up a large portion of tertiary education. Judicial, medical, and government services all require interpreters to properly serve diverse populations.

  • In 2015, over 11,000 court hearings involved interpreters to ensure justice and understanding.
  • Studies show the quality and availability of medical interpreters vary widely, despite the critical nature of accurate communication in healthcare settings.
  • Alarmingly, 20% of GPs don’t see the need for professional interpreters to gain informed consent from patients with limited English.

When legal or medical terminology needs to be interpreted, unqualified interpreters may lack the ability to properly translate, risking miscommunication and inequitable outcomes.

Why Professional Interpreters Matter

Professional interpreters have the necessary certifications and training to handle the nuances of legal, medical, and social services communication. They are:

  • Less likely to make errors that compromise care or legal rights.
  • Best-equipped to interpret complex ideas and terminology.
  • Most impartial, avoiding selective interpretation based on personal beliefs.
  • Bound by industry standards of privacy, confidentiality, and accuracy.

With the stakes so high, professional interpreting services are crucial for an equitable, just, and inclusive society. Government, businesses, and organizations must make them readily available to properly serve Australia’s diverse communities. 

By fostering understanding across languages and cultures, professional interpreters help create a society in which people from all backgrounds can achieve equal outcomes and access to opportunity.

Mind the Language Gap –
lack of access to, and understanding of the importance of professional interpreter services

The word “Mind the Gap” written on the floor of a railway. A word “language” inserted between the words “the” and “gap”.

The Risks of Language Barriers in Critical Situations

As an organisation, it’s critical to understand the risks of language barriers in high-stakes situations. Without professional interpreting services, your linguistically diverse clients can face anxiety, confusion, and potentially dangerous outcomes.

  • Comprehension is key. Just because someone can decode words doesn’t mean they fully understand the meaning or implications. Legal contracts, medical consent forms, and important notices often contain complex language and unfamiliar terms. For low-literacy or non-English speakers, this creates a significant barrier to comprehension.
  • Using family members or friends as interpreters is unethical and can be illegal. They often lack proper training and may interpret selectively based on their own beliefs. In medical settings, this can lead to misdiagnosis, improper treatment, and adverse health events.
  • Anxiety and distress frequently result from communication difficulties. Speaking with native English speakers alone can provoke anxiety in non-English speakers. Add in confusing procedures or legal matters and their distress escalates. It is an organization’s duty to avoid unintentionally causing harm by ensuring clear communication through professional interpreting services.
  • Equitable service delivery requires professional interpreters. They have the skills and training to properly interpret medical, legal, and social services terminology. Studies show professional interpreters improve care, reduce errors, and are vital for just outcomes. With Australia’s growing linguistically diverse population, professional interpreting is crucial to equitable access for all.

By understanding these risks and providing professional language services, you can gain your clients’ trust, improve outcomes, and ensure fair access regardless of language or cultural background. 

In today’s global community, that is the hallmark of an equitable, inclusive organization.

Professional Interpreters Enable Accurate Communication

Professional interpreters are essential for providing equitable services to clients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

Studies show that “Professional interpreters are the most skilled in medical interpretation, the least likely to make errors, and the only type of interpreter associated with overall improvement of care for patients with limited English proficiency.”

Using unqualified interpreters like family members can lead to “higher rates of clinically significant errors … and may interpret selectively to fit their own beliefs.”


Relying on children or relatives to interpret can be extremely traumatic for all involved. 

Professional interpreters have the necessary training, skills, and certification to accurately convey complex ideas between languages. They understand industry terminology and procedures, enabling clear communication and comprehension.

For many immigrants and refugees in Australia, English is not their first language. Professional interpreters help close the language gap and provide equitable access to services by facilitating understanding between clients and organisations. 

They play an important role in establishing consent, delivering justice, and supporting positive outcomes for linguistically diverse communities.

Using qualified interpreters is vital for any firm committed to accessible, equitable service delivery and caring for clients from non-English speaking backgrounds.

Professional interpreters enable accurate communication and comprehension, which is key to closing the language gap and providing culturally appropriate care.



Take a situation where the non-English speaker is a patient in a hospital where rapid decisions need to be made – an extremely confronting and stressful experience for both patient and family. Research from Sweden and America tells us that the quality, availability of, and access to interpreters varies widely amongst institutions (Schenker, Lo, Ettinger & Fernandez, 2017) (Jungner, 2018). Within the medical field, there is a concerning belief that using family members or untrained bilingual staff is an adequate means of communication. Alarming estimates suggest that 20% of Australian GPs do not consider it necessary to use a qualified interpreter to gain informed consent (Promoting the Engagement, 2013).

In the federal court system where there is a necessity for a high professional standard, there is a preference for NAATI-accredited interpreters. Unfortunately, they are not always available, resulting in the use of interpreters who may not have the adequate skills to interpret and reconstitute legal jargon (Perry & Zornada, 2015).

The risk of miscommunication, the risk of a lack of parity of meaning, is significant in both of these scenarios and certainly applies to other fields including welfare, aged care, and government service delivery. When the non-qualified interpreter does not have adequate certifications and lacks the ability to convey terminology or procedure, or where a cultural barrier exists that inhibits them from discussing certain topics, there is a worrying potential for severe ethical issues and inequity of outcome.


“In one documented case, a child of 10 years, suffered a severe post-traumatic stress reaction that saw her hospitalised for eight months; ​one of the triggers was being used as an interpreter between her family and medical staff​ for her younger sibling, who died of renal failure at the age of 13 months.”

Promoting the Engagement of Interpreters in Victorian Health Services, 2013.

Qualified Interpreters Improve Outcomes and Reduce Costs

Using properly trained interpreters is vital for businesses and organisations to provide equal services to customers from non-English speaking backgrounds.

Equity means giving people what they need to have equal opportunities and outcomes. For those with communication difficulties, equity requires enabling them to achieve the same level of positive results as others.

Professional interpreters have the proper training, certification, and ability to interpret complex ideas accurately. They are familiar with industry terminology and procedures. 

In healthcare, the quality and availability of interpreters vary widely between institutions. 

Alarmingly, some studies show that a fifth of doctors do not think it necessary to use a qualified interpreter for informed consent. In courts, while accredited interpreters are preferred, they are not always available, risking misunderstandings and unequal justice.

A professional interpreting services helps a Japanese client understand the meeting

Failure to provide professional interpreters in healthcare, welfare, aged care, education, and government can have dire consequences. There is a significant risk of miscommunication, lack of shared meaning, and inability to discuss sensitive topics. This threatens privacy, ethics, and equal outcomes, especially for migrants, refugees, and indigenous groups.

Using qualified interpreters improves communication, health literacy, and outcomes. It reduces costs from medical errors, unnecessary tests, and longer hospital stays. Most importantly, it upholds the human right to understand and be understood. 

For equitable service in our diverse, multicultural society, professional interpreting is not an optional extra but an essential investment.

Strategies to Improved Comprehension for Skilled Immigrants

As an immigrant in Australia, navigating unfamiliar systems and achieving your goals can be challenging when there are language barriers. And while professional interpreting services are critical for equitable access and outcomes, here are some strategies to help improve your comprehension on your own: 

Ask questions

Don’t be afraid to ask the speaker to clarify or rephrase to help you understand better. Say something like, “Could you please explain that in another way?” or “I’m not sure I fully understood. Can you give an example?” Asking follow-up questions shows you are engaged and interested in comprehending the information.

Paraphrase and summarise

Repeat back parts of what the speaker said in your own words to confirm your understanding. For example, say “So to summarise, you’re saying…?” or “To paraphrase, the main points are…?” This ensures accurate message delivery and allows the speaker to address any misunderstandings.

Take notes

Write down key terms, main ideas, dates, numbers, names, etc. as the speaker talks. Review your notes afterward to cement your learning and see if anything needs clarification. Notes provide a reference for later review.

Request written information

Don’t rely solely on verbal communication. Ask for any handouts, documents, website links, or other written materials to complement what was said. The combination of listening and reading boosts comprehension.

Review and reflect

Set aside time after the communication to think about what was discussed and how it impacts you. Try to connect new information to what you already know. Look up any unfamiliar words or concepts. The more you actively engage with the content, the more you will retain and understand.

Following these strategies will empower you to have more constructive conversations, make well-informed decisions, and access various services. Don’t hesitate to let organisations know if you need an interpreter or have any other needs to facilitate clear communication. 

Your participation and initiative are equally important.

Creating Accessibility for CALD Groups Requires a Holistic Approach

Creating accessibility for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups calls for a comprehensive and coordinated approach

Experts say that Australia needs to change its communication practices to make complex systems more accessible and achieve positive outcomes for everyone.

A Combination of Solutions

A combination of solutions, like professional interpreters, pre-recorded audio, and new technologies can help bridge the gap. While artificial intelligence and machine translation have a role to play, human interpreters are still needed for nuanced, complex conversations.

Pre-recorded audio in multiple languages can effectively convey routine information and procedures, especially for those with low literacy or vision impairment. Multilingual messaging services are helping make services more accessible and equitable. Research shows that inadequate translation is linked to higher healthcare costs.

A Shared Responsibility

Providing equitable service to CALD groups is a shared responsibility. Companies and organizations must ensure clients fully comprehend their rights and responsibilities. This means communicating in clear, easy-to-understand language, and engaging professional interpreters whenever needed to prevent harm. 

“Equity is the absence of preventable differences among groups of people”

(World Health Organization, 1948).

Equity, in relation to language services, refers to enabling those with communication deficits to achieve the same level of favourable outcomes as those without deficits.
An illustration showing the difference between equality and equity

Life’s challenges are hard enough to navigate without the added burden of a language barrier. By addressing this barrier through a combination of human and technological solutions, we can work towards equity for all.

Pre-Recorded Audio Can Bridge Gaps When Interpreters Are Unavailable

Professional interpreter services should be an essential part of any organization’s communication strategy, especially when servicing clients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. While technology like AI and machine translation have come a long way, human interpreters are still necessary to convey meaning accurately and build trust.

There are times when live interpreters simply can’t be engaged, often due to availability, cost, or the nature of the communication. In these cases, pre-recorded audio messaging in the client’s native language can help bridge the gap.

Audio recordings have several benefits over written translations:

  • They are more accessible for people with low literacy or vision impairment.
  • The tone and pacing can be tailored to the audience and subject matter.
  • Messages can be delivered across multiple channels like phone, SMS and mobile apps.
  • They prevent the over-reliance on family members, especially children, to interpret in sensitive situations.

What You Can Do


As an organisation or business, make equitable access to information and services for your linguistically diverse clients a priority. Some suggestions:

  • Engage accredited interpreters whenever possible for two-way communication.
  • Use multilingual audio messaging services to provide key information in the client’s language.
  • Train staff in cultural competency and how to work with interpreters.
  • Offer documents and forms in the most common languages of your client base.
  • Build strong relationships with local cultural groups and community leaders.

Life is full of challenges, and navigating complex systems in an unfamiliar language only adds to the difficulty. By making communication accessible through human and technological means, organizations can truly achieve equitable outcomes for all.

Organisations Have an Ethical Duty to Reduce Inequity

As Australia’s population becomes increasingly diverse, organizations must provide equitable services for all. For immigrant communities and those with limited English proficiency, language barriers can prevent full understanding and access. Using professional interpreters is key to overcoming these obstacles and reducing inequity.

However, many factors block the use of professional interpreters, including cost, lack of awareness about their importance, and the belief that bilingual staff or families can interpret. This creates risky situations for those with limited English.

To achieve equity, organisations must make professional interpreters available whenever communicating complex or sensitive information. They owe this duty of care to immigrant communities to enable full understanding and participation. 

Reducing language barriers also helps diminish systemic discrimination that can negatively impact health, education, employment, and legal outcomes.

Overall, professional interpreters play a vital role in an equitable, just, and inclusive society. Organizations should work to provide and promote these critical services. By doing so, they take an important step towards closing the gap for linguistically diverse groups.

Multilingual messaging services such as LiME are paving the way for equitable service delivery, by delivering pre-recorded audio across multiple communication channels.


Partnering With Language Service Providers for Culturally Sensitive Support

Partnering with professional language service providers is key to delivering culturally sensitive support for your diverse client base.

Qualified Interpreters Improve Outcomes

Engaging accredited interpreters helps minimize communication barriers for your non-English speaking clients while also reducing risks. 

For example, without a professional interpreter, a doctor explaining a treatment plan or seeking informed consent could be misinterpreted, and a patient may misunderstand post-operative care instructions or medication side effects. 

Similarly, legal counsel should ensure clients fully comprehend their rights and obligations before signing official documents.

professional interpreting services: a male and a female interpreter in action

Technology Supports Equitable Service

While technology like AI and machine translation has made progress, human interpreters remain necessary for nuanced, empathetic communication in sensitive contexts. However, technology does have a role to play in supporting interpreter services and equitable access.

For example, providing information in audio format, in addition to written communications, helps address issues of low literacy or vision impairment. Multilingual messaging services that deliver pre-recorded audio across multiple channels can convey key information to non-English speakers efficiently while freeing up interpreters for interactive dialog.

A combination of human and technological solutions allows organizations to prevent repetition, reduce costs, and improve outcomes. According to research, inadequate language services correlate with higher healthcare costs, so a holistic approach makes practical sense.

With a growing immigrant population and over 300 languages spoken in Australia, including Indigenous languages, professional language services are vital for fair and just service delivery across sectors. 

By partnering with accredited providers and leveraging supportive technologies, your organization can truly achieve equity and culturally sensitive support for all clients.


Everyone deserves to be understood and respected when accessing any service or participating fully in your community. Professional interpreting services are a must to achieve this and uphold basic human rights. 

Now that you’ve learned about the many benefits of professional interpreters, don’t settle for less. Insist that any organisation you interact with provides skilled interpreters to facilitate clear communication and meaningful engagement. Your voice and experience matter. 

With the help of interpreters, language barriers can be overcome and equitable access achieved so you receive the same high-quality service as any other resident. You have the power to advocate for your needs and the needs of others in your community. 

Professional interpreting services should be the norm, not the exception so that we can work towards a truly inclusive society.


What can you do to create equity for your customers from non-English speaking backgrounds?



  • Schenker, Y., Wang, F., Selig, S.J. et al. J GEN INTERN MED (2007) 22(Suppl 2): 294.
  • How can I support a culturally and linguistically diverse person with a mental health condition?  From NSW Health
  • Engaging with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to reduce the impact of depression and anxiety: a narrative review by Amy E. Z. Baker PhD BHlthSc(Hons)(OccTh) BAppSc(OccTh),, 2015